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Analytics of the day: Why is Ukraine still not in NATO?

Why is Ukraine still not in NATO? Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky wants to address this question to the new US President Joe Biden. But the American president is unlikely to have an answer to this question. After all, he cannot push the magic button for Ukraine to become a member of the North Atlantic Alliance. This button does not exist at all. Instead, for the issue of Ukraine’s full membership in NATO to be taken seriously, the country must accomplish many tasks.

Ukraine began cooperating with NATO almost immediately after independence. We were one of the first countries in the post-Soviet space to join NATO’s Partnership for Peace program. Since then, fruitful cooperation between Ukraine and the North Atlantic Alliance has begun, which could well have escalated into more serious membership talks in 2005-2008. Then Ukraine has officially announced its intention to become a member of the Alliance.

But in 2010, during Viktor Yanukovych’s presidency, Ukraine’s foreign policy was changed – the authorities changed their minds and chose a non-aligned status for Ukraine + distance from NATO + rapprochement with Russia. Ukraine could return to “joining NATO” only in 2014 when the war with Russia had already begun. In 2019, this course was enshrined in the Constitution. But this is not enough for the North Atlantic Alliance membership.

Ukraine must confirm its intentions with specific actions and indicators. To this end, Ukraine annually approves the NATO-Ukraine Annual National Program. This program sets out measures to implement reforms that meet Alliance standards. If Ukraine implements the Annual National Programs properly, it will be able to join the NATO Membership Action Plan to prepare for potential membership and demonstrate its ability to meet its commitments. But participation in this program is not a guarantee of membership for Ukraine or any other country.

The North Atlantic Council decides to invite a country to become a full member of NATO based on consensus among all Alliance members. That is, not the American president can make this decision.

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