You are reading: The Agency begins in-depth work on the topic of justice

The Agency begins in-depth work on the topic of justice

The rule of law is one of the most essential principles for a democratic society, its driving force and unconditional value. Since its foundation, the Agency for Legislative Initiatives has consistently emphasised the observance of this principle in both state and social processes.

That is why, starting March 1, the Agency will begin in-depth work on justice.

  • research and monitoring projects on various aspects of judicial reform – the process and results of the selection of judges to the courts of first instance and appellate courts, the functioning of the Public Integrity Council, the work of the Supreme Court, the High Anti-Corruption Court, the High Council of Justice, the High Qualification Commission of Judges, the State Judicial Administration, the courts of first instance and appellate courts, etc;
  • analysis and research related to the prosecution reform;
  • independent monitoring of the application of the Criminal Procedure Code (CPC) and related legislation;
  • expert support in bringing national legislation in line with EU and NATO standards, based primarily on the rule of law;
  • regular coverage of socially significant trials and documentation of war crimes committed by the russian federation by the ALI media project Watchers.Media for the possible use of collected and processed materials in international jurisdictions;
  • continuation of the civic and political education course at the Ukrainian School of Political Studies, aimed at implementing the rule of law as a value in society and its leaders.

This area will be coordinated by Karina Aslanyan, a lawyer with ten years of professional experience in the justice field, focusing on judicial reform, sustainable development of the judicial sector in Ukraine, and good governance.

We will share all our findings and research on one of the critical reforms for Ukraine on the Laboratory’s resources.

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