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Event “Toward Ukraine’s Membership in NATO: Strengthening Euro-Atlantic Security”

The Agency has always contributed to the Euro-Atlantic integration of Ukraine and makes a lot of efforts to develop parliamentary diplomacy. This week, together with the Embassy of Ukraine in Canada / Посольство України в Канаді and the Parliamentary Centre, we organized a panel discussion, “Toward Ukraine’s Membership in NATO: Strengthening Euro-Atlantic Security” at the Parliament of Canada.

The event’s main goal was to discuss the future of Ukraine, its security and the security of the entire Euro-Atlantic community. Considering Ukraine’s path to NATO – how fast we are progressing, what reforms are being implemented and which are just being planned, what kind of support, in terms of legislation, we need from allies and how Ukraine’s accession to NATO will strengthen the Alliance and Euro-Atlantic security in general.

The event was attended by Canadian parliamentarians, the deputy chairman of the VRU Committee on National Security, Defense and Intelligence, the Head of the Permanent Delegation of Ukraine to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly Yehor Chernev, Deputy Minister of Defense for European Integration Andriy Shevchenko and representatives of the diplomatic corps, including Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to Canada Her Excellency Yuliya Kovaliv and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Finland to Canada His Excellency Roy Eriksson.

The event was held by “Parliamentary Accountability of the Security Sector in Ukraine” (PASS Ukraine), which the Agency implements together with the Parliamentary Center in cooperation with The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and with the support of Canada’s Foreign Policy—Global Affairs Canada as part of the Peacebuilding Program and stability (PSOPs).

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