Agency for Legislative Initiatives –
the leading analytical center of Ukraine.
Our areas of work:

We monitor the work of the Parliament as an institution. We analyse legislative initiatives. We participate in the law-drafting. We study Ukrainian parliamentary practice cases.
Good governance
We evaluate the results of reforms. We assist in developing sound public policies. We look after the European and Euro-Atlantic agenda and the fulfilment of requirements for Ukraine’s accession to the EU.
We analyse the political process. We monitor how well-balanced, open and transparent authorities are at various levels. We strengthen interaction between the government and society. We come up with tools for citizens’ participation.
Political education
We run trainings for MPs, civil servants and representatives of local self-governments. We create projects for civic and political awareness-raising and unite through education diverse people who share values.


Special projects

Here you will find papers draw up by ALI as part of special projects. This includes Parliament Journal containing studies on various aspects of law-making. The Parliamentary Monitoring digests aim to review and analyse the law-making by the Ukrainian Parliament, compiled by session.


Our donors and partners

The Ukrainian School of Political Studies
is a community that embodies change

Under the auspices of the Council of Europe, this is an educational and networking project of the Agency for Legislative Initiatives, which aims at training and uniting leaders from various settings who share a desire to cultivate a strong state.

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and we will contact you as soon as possible.

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