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An educational event for representatives of the parliament and the government

On September 15, 2023, the Agency for Legislative Initiatives (ALI) held a training event for parliament and government representatives to discuss problematic issues arising while developing and processing draft laws. This event is prepared within the framework of the “Civil Society for Ukraine’s Post-War Reconstruction and EU Readiness” project financed by the European Union.

Context. The legislative process is a living organism that constantly needs improvement. A legislative impact assessment is one of the tools for this which can be used right now. This practice is rightfully considered an effective tool for improving draft laws, particularly during expert-analytical review.

During the event, the participants discussed existing gaps and challenges in the process of developing draft laws and ways to solve these problems.

Oleksandr Zaslavskyy, director of the analytical direction of the Agency for Legislative Initiatives, moderated the discussion. He spoke about the advantages of the legislative impact assessment methodology:

“For the past several years, the Agency for Legislative Initiatives has been promoting the idea of legislative impact assessment in Ukraine. We even developed a step-by-step guide. Today’s informal discussion is organised to identify gaps in the legislative work better, how they can be corrected and how to properly use the impact assessment tool of draft laws”

Tetiana Lukeria, the author of the Manual on the preparation of legislative impact assessments, spoke about the international experience of using this tool and the nuances that must be considered when adapting the tool to Ukrainian needs:

“Legislative impact assessment is an effective tool that has long been used in many countries around the world. The purpose of this assessment is to determine what consequences the draft law will have even at the stage of its preparation. We cannot simply copy international experience, but we can adapt it to the needs of the Ukrainian context”

Mykhailo Teplyuk, Deputy Head of the Apparatus of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine – head of the Main Legal Department of the VRU, emphasized the need to rethink the approach to evaluating the effectiveness of draft laws:

“The issue of the number of adopted laws and resolutions has long been a priority from the point of view of evaluating the effectiveness of the legislative activity of the parliament. However, the adoption of laws is not an end in itself. The main goal is to regulate relations between citizens, the public sector and public structures”

Oleh Voitovych, Deputy State Secretary of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, noted that the development of quality laws requires the cooperation of the parliament and the government:

“This meeting, organised with the help of the Agency for Legislative Initiatives, is one of the bricks that should improve the cooperation between the parliament and the government. A comprehensive approach in our cooperation will help construct an algorithm for preparing high-quality draft laws”

For additional information, contact Maria Hereles, Director of the Communications Department of the Agency of Legislative Initiatives, at

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