You are reading: Announcement: ALI presents a study on the impact of courts on the course of reforms in Ukraine

Announcement: ALI presents a study on the impact of courts on the course of reforms in Ukraine

On September 13, the Agency for Legislative Initiatives (ALI) will present the results of the study “The impact of Judicial Intervention: the role of General Courts in the reform process in Ukraine”. The paper was prepared within the framework of the “Civil Society for Ukraine’s Post-War Reconstruction and EU Readiness” project funded by the European Union.

The event will take place at 10:30 in the press centre of Ukraine Crisis Media Center (Khreshchatyk Street, 2 («Ukrainian House», Kyiv).

Context. Implementing reforms is always a lengthy and complex process, and their proper implementation is crucial in European integration and post-war recovery planning. However, the experience of reforms in Ukraine is not always positive, as the results of changes often do not meet expectations. Quite often, the final point in the debate on the effectiveness of a particular reform is put by the courts, which act as arbitrators in these disputes.

The event aims to present and discuss the results and key findings of the study: typical mistakes that accompany the reform process in Ukraine and recommendations that would reduce the risks of court interference in implementing state policy in this area.

What? Presentation of the study “The impact of judicial intervention: the role of general courts in the reform process in Ukraine”.
Where? Kyiv, Ukraine Crisis Media Center, Khreshchatyk Street, 2 («Ukrainian House»). An online broadcast will also be available.
When? September 13, 2023, 10:30 – 12:00.
Participants: Svitlana Matvienko, executive director of the Agency for Legislative Initiatives
Oleksandr Zaslavskyy, director of the analytical direction of the Agency for Legislative Initiatives
Oleksandr Korniyenko, First Deputy Chief of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine
Oleksandr Ilkov, Director General at Government Office for Coordination on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration.

Media representatives are warmly invited to attend. The working language is Ukrainian.

Contact person: Mariia Hereles, Head of Communications of the Agency for Legislative Initiatives,, tel. + 38 063 531 61 06.

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