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Announcement: Expert Discussion of Study Results Concerning the Impact of Judicial Intervention

On 14 September 2023, ALI will hold a discussion of the existing ALI study “Impact of Judicial Intervention: Role of Judges of General Jurisdiction in Reforms in Ukraine” for an expert environment. The study was prepared as part of the project “Civil Society for Ukraine’s Post-War Recovery and EU-Readiness”, funded by the European Union.

The event will take place at 16:00 in the office of the Agency for Legislative Initiatives (Kyiv, 45 Vozdvyzhenska Street, office 404).

Context. Today, it is obvious that even such long-awaited and promising reforms as those that commenced following the Revolution of Dignity do not always work out as successful cases. There are many reasons for this. Judicial intervention is one of them. To achieve Ukraine’s aspirations of Eurointegration, however, Ukraine must fulfil its obligations regarding reforms and harmonising Ukrainian legislation with EU laws. And here, the sustainability of law adoption and reform commencement, rather than the mere fact of them, will be an important criterion. Therefore, quality reforms must be developed without legislative gaps and deficiencies.

The goal of the presentation is to discuss the study results and recommendations for legislators, including the phenomenon of judicial intervention, its impact on the reform progress and possible steps to improve future reforms and cooperate with different branches of power.

What? Expert discussion of the study “Impact of Judicial Intervention: Role of Judges of General Jurisdiction in Reforms in Ukraine.”
Where? Kyiv, Office of the Agency for Legislative Initiatives (Kyiv, 45 Vozdvyzhenska Street, office 404)
When? 14 September 2023, 16:00–18:00
Participants: Alina Makhno, involved analyst of the Agency for Legislative Initiatives;
Oleksii Tseliev, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, expert of the Rule of Law Research Centre of the National University Kyiv Mohyla Academy and representatives of the National University Kyiv Mohyla Academy;
Volodymyr Chaban, Chief National Expert (Judiciary component) of the EU Project “Pravo-Justice” in Ukraine.
Oleksandr Zaslavskyi, Director of the analytical sector of the Agency for Legislative Initiatives, will act as the event moderator.

We invite representatives of expert circles to participate in the event.

Event language: Ukrainian. Contact person: Mariia Hereles, Communications Director at the Agency for Legislative Initiatives,

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