You are reading: Selection for the program of Environmental Mentoring of amalgamated territorial Communities

Selection for the program of Environmental Mentoring of amalgamated territorial Communities

The Agency for Legislative Initiatives and the Ukrainian School of Political Studies with the support of the International Renaissance Foundation have launched a selection for the Environmental Mentoring program! You can fill in the application form from June 24 to July 14 inclusive.

With the beginning of the decentralization reform, Ukrainian amalgamated territorial communities have gained more power, but many of them lack experience in solving urgent problems. This is especially true of environmental problems, for which communities need knowledge, the help of qualified personnel and an integrated approach.

What is the Environmental Mentoring Program?

The Environmental Mentoring Program is the first and unique project of its kind in Ukraine. This is part of the School of Community Leaders project, which aims to deepen cooperation with amalgamated territorial communities and provide them with long-term support to address environmental issues.

At this stage of the project, we will hold a three-day workshop for mentors on environmental issues. The objectives of this session are to teach mentors the basics of amalgamated territorial communities environmental impact assessment, waste management strategies, sustainable natural resource management, and adaptation to climate change.

The next stage after the seminars is the work of mentors directly with the amalgamated territorial communities. After the training, environmental mentors will be able to advise communities on environmental issues and approaches to solving them. Each participant in the environmental mentoring program will work with a specific amalgamated territorial community in Ukraine.

We are looking for people who:

  1. are ecology students, environmentalists, local activists or volunteers;
  2. have research interest and work on solving environmental problems in Ukraine;
  3. take an active position in life and are ready to use the acquired knowledge for the benefit of society and the community;
  4. are ready to work with one of the communities selected at the first stage with the help of tools obtained during the training, during the third stage – September-December 2021.

Approximate dates of the program:

until July 14 Application process for participation in the program
by July 28 Announcement of final selection results
August 18-20 Seminars for participants (Kyiv)
September-December Environmental mentoring of amalgamated territorial communities

Therefore, do not miss the opportunity to join a large-scale project that will help start solving environmental problems at the local level! The selection will last until July 14!

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