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Selection for the School of Community Leaders

The School of Community Leaders is back!

The Ukrainian School of Political Studies, with the support of the International Renaissance Foundation and within the framework of the LOCUS: Leaders of Communities in Ukrainian South project, announces the selection for participation in the School of Community Leaders program.

The local elections in Ukraine, which will occur this fall, are the first elections under the new Electoral Code, which significantly changes the rules for forming teams and campaigning. Right now, it is important to prepare community leaders to participate in elections and local self-government.

The program of the School of Community Leaders is aimed at developing and strengthening the effectiveness of local communities through the involvement of heads of united communities, representatives of local government, civil society, volunteer initiatives, active youth to participate in quality management decisions at the local level. This year’s School of Community Leaders project is a continuation of an initiative launched in 2015 before the local elections. The School of Community Leaders has brought together almost 200 activists, public figures, and local government representatives from all Ukraine regions.

We invite to submit the application people who:

  • are representatives of local self-government at all levels, heads of united territorial communities, local activists and volunteers;
  • have significant professional achievements;
  • occupy an active life position;
  • demonstrate leadership qualities;
  • have the potential to use the knowledge gained through the project for the benefit of society and the community;
  • have a credit of trust and community support;
  • have sufficient motivation and discipline for independent learning;
  • ready to work with the community with the tools obtained during the training, after completing the program;
  • are citizens of Ukraine who have higher education.

This time we are selecting 200 participants who will take part in three training modules. Given the epidemiological situation in the country related to the spread of COVID-19, the educational program of the School of Community Leaders-2020 will be held fully online on a unique educational web platform that will allow training remotely at a convenient time, but at the same time provide opportunities for communication. The training will last from July 20 to September 4, 2020.

The program also provides training about innovative tools to involve citizens, in particular, the methodology of social audit. Participants are expected to be ready to use these tools in their communities after completion of the training in collaboration with the project team.

To participate, please fill out the application.

The application form can be submitted until July 10 (inclusive, until 23:59). Applications submitted after this deadline will not be considered.

The information you provide in the application form is confidential and not subject to disclosure. Consideration of application forms is carried out consistently and impartially by members of the Selection Committee. The decision of the Committee is collegial. The organizers reserve the right not to provide explanations regarding the decisions made by the members of the Committee.

Calendar of the School of Community Leaders-2020:

June 16 – July 10 Submission process
July 10 – 15 Processing of applications and announcement of results
July 20 – September 4 Seminars for participants

If you have additional questions, please contact (topic “School of Community Leaders”).

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