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Selection for USPS 2021: Who are our applicants?

The Selection Committee has completed the formation of a group for the XV-XVI Ukrainian School of Political Studies program, which will take place in 2021. The First Session of the USPS program will begin very soon, and our Community will become even bigger.

Every year we monitor our applicants and observe the dynamics of selection. So this year, we also prepared some interesting data on people who filled out the application form to participate in the USPS 2021.

In particular, this year, we have almost equal applicants among men (51%) and women (49%). The average age of applicants is 34 years. Among those wishing to join the USPS program, 58% are from Kyiv or the region, 42% – from other regions.

More than half of the applicants in 2021 (62%) filled out the application form for participation in the School for the first time. For us, this indicates, first of all, that the interest in the Ukrainian School of Political Studies is not waning. And this motivates us to improve the program every year and work more and more on developing civil society in Ukraine.

Interestingly, this year we have a huge number of applications from representatives of the political and civil service sector, compared to last year. In 2020, by contrast, most applicants were from the business and legal community. Unfortunately, the media and creative professions are traditionally the least represented, but we are constantly working to increase this industry’s interest in the USPS program.

This year, we also analyzed applicants’ responses to the virtual interview, which is a regular part of the application for USPS. Thus, we received data that almost a third of our applicants consider themselves suitable for the position of Minister/Deputy Minister. Another 28% have the ambition to be a Member of Parliament of Ukraine.

Almost all applicants (96%) approve of the Law of Ukraine “On Ensuring the Functioning of the Ukrainian Language as the State Language”. 84% of applicants want to get vaccinated against COVID-19.

We continue to unite people by common values and views. Thanks to everyone who submitted their applications this year. We value every applicant.

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