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Svitlana Matvienko about the challenges and risks for the new authorities

The election race in Ukraine is over, but the newly elected MPs and the president have no time to relax. The hardest part is ahead.

During the broadcast on the 5 Channel, the Chairwoman of the Council of the Agency for Legislative Initiatives Svitlana Matvienko has discussed what kind of challenges await the new authorities and how not to lose the achievements of the past and increase them in the future.

According to Svitlana, after the elections, Ukraine is in a situation of fragile stability. Therefore, in order to establish the subjectivity of Ukraine on the international arena, the new authorities must continue to stick to the line they have defended before – that means not to talk about Ukraine without Ukraine and not to hide the truth about the war. The rhetoric with international partners should remain unchanged, no matter what kind of agenda may be beneficial for them.

“Representatives of civil society and journalists should keep an eye on what’s going on. The new government has received a huge package of trust, but it means only one thing – the people in Ukraine have completely transferred the responsibility for everything that is happening in the country to one person,” – Svitlana said.

At the same time, the Chairwoman of the Council stressed that Ukrainians are expecting changes from the new president and the Verkhovna Rada in a short time. Therefore high-ranking officials should be prepared for serious challenges and risks.

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