You are reading: The Agency for Legislative Initiatives is launching a new EU-supported project to strengthen cooperation between government bodies and think tanks

The Agency for Legislative Initiatives is launching a new EU-supported project to strengthen cooperation between government bodies and think tanks

ALI, with the support of the EU, unites with other Ukrainian think tanks to cooperate with state bodies and provide expert assistance in the field of policy development and communication to overcome the consequences of the war and bring Ukraine closer to EU membership.

“Civil society has always been a reliable partner of the government on the European integration path. Working together, we achieve great results. After Ukraine applied for EU membership, we worked as one incredibly powerful team, whether it was filling out a questionnaire from the EU or advocating in EU member states. Granting the candidate status launched the process of Ukraine’s accession to the EU, which will require significant expertise and internal mobilisation. Thanks to EU funding a new stage of our joint work has begun – the government and the civil society – for the sake of the European future of Ukraine”
Olga Stefanishyna
Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine
“Recognising a key role of Ukrainian civil society in Ukraine’s recovery and promoting its European integration process, the EU is pleased to support a cross-sectoral project designed by a consortium of Ukrainian think tanks to help the Parliament and the Government to address current challenges in several policy areas. The project covers regional governance, elections, support to internally displaced people, analysis of compliance of Ukrainian legislation with EU acquis, economic policy, public procurement, anti-corruption, judicial and prosecutorial reforms, communication on European Integration policy”
Matti Maasikas
Ambassador of the EU to Ukraine

The new Project “Civil Society for Ukraine’s Post-war Recovery and EU-Readiness” aims at increasing policy capacity of the Cabinet of Ministers and the Verkhovna Rada in the process of overcoming the consequences of the war and on the way to Ukraine’s membership in the EU by providing expert and communication support from civil society organisations in the course of designing and implementing relevant laws and policies.

The Project will promote a systematic approach to policymaking based on a thorough problem analysis, economic impact assessment and positions of stakeholders. It will also help to improve quality of baseline data and analytical documents, including EU law compliance analysis and legislative impact assessment at both the Government and Parliament levels.

The ALI in this project will be responsible, in particular, for:

  • development of a quality policy of reintegration of refugees and IDPs;
  • analysis of mechanisms for the restoration of legitimate state administration in territories freed from occupation;
  • conducting research on the impact of the judicial system on the results of reforms;
  • impact assessment of the draft laws aimed at ensuring the European integration movement of Ukraine.

The project will last 12 months. The amount of the EU contribution is EUR 1,054,304.

Background information:

The project will be implemented by a consortium of well-known Ukrainian NGOs and think tanks:

Agency for Legislative Initiatives is an analytical center with many years of expertise in issues of democratisation, parliamentarism, political education and good governance.

Transparency International Ukraine is an accredited representative of the global movement Transparency International, which comprehensively approaches the development and implementation of changes to reduce the level of corruption in Ukraine.

Civil network OPORA is an all-Ukrainian civil society organisation of public control and advocacy in the field of elections, parliamentarism, education, management of common property, energy efficiency, local self-government, as well as the comprehensive implementation of the open data principle.

Tomorrow’s Lawyer is an NGO with practical experience in legal and judicial development, justice sector reform.

Centre for Economic Strategy is a non-governmental research centre on economic policy issues.

NGO “European Pravda” (EuroPravda) is an independent Ukrainian media that specialises in covering news related to European issues and the European integration of Ukraine.

For additional information, please contact Mariia Hereles, Head of Communications, Agency for Legislative Initiatives, via or at +38 063 531 61 06.

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