Agency for Legislative

Independent Ukrainian think-tank. Working to advance democracy and robust public institutions.

Our values and
principles of work

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Respect for human rights

The Agency advocates the need to enshrine fundamental human rights and freedoms in Ukraine as a basis for the democratic development of the state. In our activities and within the organisation, we adhere to the policy of non-discrimination and gender equality.

Systematicity and

For 20+ years, the Agency has been cooperating with legislative, executive and judicial authorities, helping implement systemic changes, rather than offering piecemeal measures to address large-scale problems.

Independence and

The Agency is an independent think tank that determines its activities by itself and works beyond the influence of any political actors, civic movements, entities or donors.

Transparency and

The Agency has transparent processes for operations and governance and acts in line with the Istanbul CSO Development Effectiveness Principles, the OECD Guiding Principles, the organisation’s policies, including on anti-corruption, finance and procurement, and is annually audited, both externally and internally.

Council of the Agency for Legislative Initiatives

Chair of Council
Kateryna Riabiko
Director of Strategy at DAC and co-founder of H+H Labs – a group of companies promoting Ukrainian innovations by way of diplomacy through technology. Adviser on strategies and development at the foundation ‘OPORA in Poland’. For many years, served with international organisations in the areas of democratisation and human rights. Stanford University Draper Hills Fellow for Democracy, Development and the Rule of Law.
Deputy Chair of Council
Oleksandr Khoruzhenko
Expert on the decentralisation and local self-government reform in Ukraine. Adviser at the Special Assistance Programme for Eastern Ukraine (government-controlled areas) Project, GIZ Ukraine. Member of the Supervisory Board of the Stopfake fact-checking project. Graduated from the Ukrainian School of Political Studies in 2006.
Council Member
Yurii Badakhov
Private notary of the Kyiv City Notary District. Member at the Council of the Notary Chamber of Ukraine. Member of task forces for notary matters and state registration. Graduated from the Ukrainian School of Political Studies in 2014.
Executive Director
Svitlana Matviienko
Serving in the civil society sector for over 18 years, she is currently the Director of the Ukrainian School of Political Studies, a civic and political awareness-raising project which has been implemented by ALI under the auspices of the Council of Europe since 2005.

Founding documents

Learn more
about the Ethics Office

The Agency for Legislative Initiatives
is governed by the principles of integrity
and zero tolerance for corruption
in its activities.
The Ethics Office is
among the tools to reaffirm
the Agency’s openness and
adherence to the declared principles.
This is a platform to
enable reporting fraudulent, corruption
and other offences in the Agency,
its subordinate units or projects.
In turn, the Agency undertakes
to address messages and
conduct internal reviews in order to
wipe out offences and their aftermaths.