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Parliamentary Ombudsman Report. Parliament and the Media

Parliamentary Ombudsman Report

The activities of the ombudsman are an indispensable attribute of parliamentary control over the activities of executive bodies. The guarantee of growth of public trust to parliament and public authorities, in general, is appropriate functioning of this institute. Public reports of the Ombudsman are important documents that influence the formation of many areas of government policy.

The Roadmap on Internal Reform and Institutional Capacity Building for the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, prepared by the European Parliament’s Needs Assessment Mission (paragraph 21), focuses on the fact that “The Parliamentary Ombudsman should present annual (and where necessary, special) reports to the VRU for consideration and follow up having regard to the provisions of the Law on the Parliamentary Commissioner for Human Rights.”

Parliament and the Media

Parliament is the supreme representative institution because his work is the subject of much public attention and the media in particular. Interaction with the media is the most common and most successful practice of ensuring transparency and accountability in the work of lawmakers.

The Roadmap on Internal Reform and Institutional Capacity Building for the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (paragraph 29) says that “…The VRU staff should be exposed to international best practice and exchanges of know-how on effective parliamentary communication.”

The preparation and presentation of Parliament Journal is part of the project embodied by the Agency for Legislative Initiatives, supported by the USAID Rada Program: Responsible Accountable Democratic Assembly, implemented by the East Europe Foundation.

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