You are reading: Specifics of civil service in the verkhovna rada of Ukraine

Specifics of civil service in the verkhovna rada of Ukraine

The issue focuses on the following questions: Does the Secretariat of the Verkhovna Rada meet the legislative body requirements for professional operational support of its activities? Should the Government as the executive branch determine the conditions for labor remuneration of parliamentary officials? Is the executive support service and other types of service sufficiently separated within the structure of the parliamentary service of the Verkhovna Rada? (for instance, there is an opinion that the secretariats of factions should also be included in the executive support service); Does the legislature have sufficient resources to recruit employees who meet professional requirements? Is the management of the Secretariat and the management of its structural units protected from political pressure? How is the behavior of parliamentary officials regulated (specifically, the issue of parliamentary officials’ integrity)?

The preparation and presentation of Parliament Journal is part of the project embodied by the Agency for Legislative Initiatives, supported by the USAID Rada Program: Responsible Accountable Democratic Assembly, implemented by the East Europe Foundation.

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