You are reading: The Venice Commission and Ukraine: the Ukrainian path to democracy through law

The Venice Commission and Ukraine: the Ukrainian path to democracy through law

The study analyzes the experience of Ukraine’s cooperation with the European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission), outlines the main areas and philosophy of the Venice Commission, the principles and standards that it guides, and the methods of its work. Particular attention is paid to the importance of studying and incorporating into the preparation and improvement of legislation not only the recommendations given in the Conclusions on Ukraine but also the generalized studies of the Venice Commission as part of the “European Constitutional Heritage”. The author concludes that Ukraine’s readiness to cooperate with the Venice Commission and taking into account the provided recommendations is a certain indicator of the democratic processes that are taking place in the state and Ukraine’s commitment to European values.

The preparation and presentation of Parliament Journal is part of the project embodied by the Agency for Legislative Initiatives, supported by the USAID Rada Program: Responsible Accountable Democratic Assembly, implemented by the East Europe Foundation.

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